Things To Consider Before Accepting A Job Offer


Job Offers

Do you know what you’re getting yourself into? Make sure that you completely understand the employment offer before signing on the dotted line!  You do not want to be looking for another position a few months later. Here are some things to consider before accepting a job offer —

•Make sure that you are clear about the position, tasks and expectations.  It is sometimes difficult to focus on the details when we are overly excited about something!  What can be more exciting about receiving a job offer from your dream company?  Well, make sure that you have crossed all the Ts and dotted the Is.  Read, reread, understand and ask questions if anything is unclear.
•Evaluate the overall compensation package including the benefits, vacation time and other non – monetary perks, not just the salary.
•Ask other employees about their experience with company.  Thanks to social media.  You do not even need to pick up the phone to do your research about your potential employer.  Be careful about what you gather though, especially from disgruntled employees.  Be critical and do not believe everything you’re told.
•Don’t blindly say yes, learn to say no if you’re not comfortable with something.  This is your future.  Do not leave anything to chance.
•Communicate what you really want!

Accept or Decline

After carefully studying the job offer and you decide that it is not the best choice, respectfully decline.  Thank the employer.  Explain your decision briefly, and walk away in good terms.  Remember that it may not have worked this time but you may cross paths with this person or company again in the future.

Make the right decision now or regret later! For more guidance on your job search and other things to consider before accepting a job offer, feel free to visit our website.


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