How To Write A Canadian Resume


As a recruiter, the first thing I ask for from every single candidate is their resumé.  And almost always, if a candidate is a new immigrant, they will need some time to get back to me so they can come up with their Canadian Resume!  You’d wonder, how can a candidate’s paper profile by editing a few words, reformatting the content and rephrasing a few statements suddenly become Canadian?

Well there are obvious changes that need to be made for sure like the ones with photos, or those that are too fancy that a regular candidate database will not even be able to process.  One has to remember that nowadays, everything is automated.  Keep your resume format simple, use MS Word or PDF.  Using a Power Point for your resume simply does not do the trick and can even annoy the recruiter!

No Photos, ACRONYMS, and Foreign Terminologies

Content-wise, simplicity is still key.  Avoid being too wordy.  Recruiters are not interested in your Job Descriptions.  And please DO NOT ever copy and paste entries from one position to another even if you can argue that you had the same responsibilities for the 2 positions.  This just shows a lack of effort on your part.  While it is also very tempting to write all the skills that you believe you possess on that resume, do not fall into this trap.  Those list of skills mean nothing if they are not backed by actual performances that demonstrate those skills. Recruiters want to learn about your achievements and successes.  You do not have to write the whole story: just enter a one-liner to describe the WIN.  If that is interesting enough to the reader, they will ask more about it during the interview.

I personally do not believe that a resume should only be 1 page, that is simply too short in order to provide significant profile information.  The rule for me is between 2 to 3 pages where there are about 4 to 5 statements summarizing your career successes at the very top, and about 2 to 3 entries highlighting your outstanding performance in each position.

Other very important entries it should contain are your contact information.  One per mode of contact : 1 email, 1 phone (preferably mobile).  You do not have to write your full home address, the city and province will do.   A link to your LinkedIn profile ID has also become a norm for digital resumes so also make sure that your resume mirrors your LinkedIn profile and vice versa.  A good professionally done photo will not hurt either.

What is a Canadian Resume???

So just what is a Canadian Resume?  It is one that is simple and contains a wealth of information that showcases your achievements and successes as a professional.  If you need additional help with your resume, do not hesitate to contact us.  iLink Global Recruiting Inc. offers Resume Writing Services as well as Interview Help for Job Seekers.   We are conveniently located in the cities of Vancouver and Surrey, BC. Visit us online at or give us a call!

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