Finding the Right Fit

finding the right fit


We always hear that finding the right fit is key to hiring successfully, but what does this really mean? Just what constitutes FIT when it comes to recruitment?

The truth is that an effective recruitment process is not about ensuring a candidate simply ticks a few boxes.  It is also not just about meeting the parameters set for the job. It’s not like buying a piece of clothing, where the cut needs to match your body type. When you employ a person you’re not simply tapping into their skills or experience.  You’re accepting them wholeheartedly as part of your “work family”, hoping that they get along well and work effectively with the other family members.

This only means that their personality and character are very important. It’s one thing having skills and qualifications, it’s another entirely being able to put them to use in the right environment. The environment you foster in your company, whether you realize it or not, is at the heart of the culture you espouse when you do business. The values you hold, the way you want your employees to interact with one another – and with clients – and the goals and ambitions that you hold set a tone. A new employee needs to be able to understand that tone and be able to fit into that culture that comes from this.

What Experts Are Saying

Finding the right fit is, undoubtedly, not easy. That’s why many firms opt to employ the services of a recruitment agency. Often these recruiters work on contingency and are only paid if they are able to successfully place a candidate. It is a good way to try and take the whole process off a company’s very busy hands. Recruiters search out the right people based on the requirements of the job, advertise in the right places and sift through databases to come up with the solutions to this familiar conundrum. Of course, it’s important to focus on how to get this right but it’s probably worth reflecting on what might befall you if you don’t.

An HR study details that it costs, between $20,000 and $40,000 to replace a staff member – largely due to the 28 weeks it takes a new recruit to reach maximum productivity. The methodology and the numbers can, of course, be debated – but the argument is real and strong. Getting recruitment wrong can cause a costly and lengthy process to fix.

Finding the right fit is tough, but there is no denying the fact that it is hugely beneficial.

For help in finding the right fit, connect with iLink Global Recruiting Inc.

Contact: | 778.9186573


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