How To Hire People For Small Business

how to hire people for small business
how to hire people for small business

Hiring is often the first challenge a business owner faces. As an entrepreneur, you can’t be expected to do everything on your own. Here goes the big question, just how do you hire people for small business?  Is it the same as what the larger corporations do?   Just place an ad and resumes will come flooding into your inbox!  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  Small businesses have to work much harder in order to attract talent into their company.

  1. Job Description – know the role you’re hiring for, figure out what kind of support you need. It’s vital to identify and verbalize exactly what tasks your new employee will be expected to perform.
  2. Going through Resumes – Review all applications thoroughly and slowly whittle down the candidate list to identify individuals that match the most of your desired qualities.
  3. Consider the Compensation – Well paid staff are more likely to stick around.
  4. Hire a third party recruiter or headhunter like iLink Global Recruiting Inc. – here is another option that a lot of small businesses have been very successful with. Call them to find out! Contact:  | 778.918.6573







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