Job Search for New Immigrants in Canada

job search for new immigrants in canada

Job Search for New Immigrants in Canada

We see a lot of interest in Job Search for New Immigrants in Canada within the recruitment industry.  For the benefit of newcomers, we will tackle this today.

The preoccupation of new immigrants apart from settling in their new house, and their kids in their respective schools, is primarily job search.  The sad story is that it is not very easy for most newcomers to find a job in their industry.  Job Search for New Immigrants in Canada is a grueling experience based on the people I have talked to.  Those who had spent several months seeking a position to match their experience with no success.  Oftentimes, they resort to food service, retail or labor jobs to make ends meet.  All the while hoping that if they continue to look, that opportunity will eventually come.  But I also know of many who just got tired of trying.

The Struggle IS REAL

Knowing that these immigrants are highly-skilled, this makes me very sad.  Immigrants have come to Canada with a dream of making it big in the same job that they used to do back home.  But obviously, there is a clear disconnect between the skills coming in and the demands of the market.  This conflict makes job search for new immigrants in Canada extremely challenging.

Here’s the problem as we see it.  “Immigrants arrive in Canada with 90% technical skills and only 10% soft skills, without realizing what a big obstacle this is in their way to finding employment.”  This was quoted from Nick Noorani’s Guide for Canadian Newcomers.  It is definitely not the hard skills that the immigrants are lacking.  It is the ability to adjust to the new culture and the new business environment.  While we think that it does take time to develop the soft skills needed to fully assimilate into the Canadian way of life, we also think that with hard work and perseverance, a significant improvement can be achieved.

As per experience, we believe that prioritizing and developing these 3 soft skills will super charge the job search of new immigrants in Canada.  These skills perfectly complement the qualifications that immigrants bring to the table with them.

Self-confidence, Communication Skills and Networking Skills

Focus on these 3 and you will be marching your way into a job in your industry in no time!  As in life, job search is all about being able to show balance in both your soft skills and hard qualifications.

Best of luck, newcomers!  Welcome to Canada!

For One-on-One Job Search Guidance, call or email us to discuss.

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