Overcoming Recruiting Challenges



Overcoming Recruiting Challenges

In recent months, we are finding that there are actually more jobs than qualified candidates for certain positions, and overcoming recruiting challenges is one of the things we help our clients address in this kind of recruitment climate.

Attracting candidates is a serious business. Gone are the days when job seekers will do anything and everything to get hired. Knowing that they have a lot of options in the job market, their tendency is to choose the best among the best and decide on the one that gives them the best experience during the recruitment process, and of course the one that they believe can address their professional as well as personal goals.

What To Do As A Company

If companies want to be serious about hiring and competing strongly in this job market, they need to change with the times. Here is a list of our suggestions in overcoming recruiting challenges —

  1. Employer Branding — a good brand as an employer will help you attract and engage better candidates. Companies that put effort in developing their brand are highly likely to make a quality hire. Ensure that you promote the kind of culture you have. Social media helps a lot in this process. The most important way to build your brand is to be a good employer. It is a continuous, collective effort that requires you to step out of your usual duties but the rewards are endless.
  2. Efficient Recruitment Process — Hiring managers need to respond fast, evaluate candidates easily and know what’s going on every step of the way. Recruiters are tasked with coordinating all this communication and it’s not always easy. Sometimes, transactional tasks (like scheduling interviews) often take away valuable time that recruiters could have used in coordinating the hiring process and ensuring good candidate experience.
  3. Pleasant Candidate Experience —  this isn’t only important for employer branding, but it’s also a factor that your candidates evaluate when choosing the best job offer. The way you treat candidates during the hiring process will indicate the way you will treat them after they’re hired. If they had a bad experience, they’re less likely to accept. On the other hand, positive candidate experiences can enhance your employer brand and encourage great candidates to apply and accept your job offers.

Overcoming recruiting challenges is hard work but not impossible if you start now. Hire the best and beat the trend. iLink Global Recruiting can help!

Contact: | 778.9186573


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