Part Time Jobs In Vancouver

In our last blog post, we told you about the qualities that you should look for when hiring a recruitment agency. The qualities mentioned make sense especially when your organization is looking for full time individuals and you would like to choose only the best of the best. But what if your organization is only open for part time jobs? Is hiring a headhunting agency still the best way to go?

I would still say yes. The best candidates who might be looking for part time jobs in Vancouver, or anywhere in the world, are usually quality passive. This means that they might be employed somewhere else at the present but these candidates have extra hours a day to meet, and even surpass, the needs of your company. Thus, these candidates are not particularly applying for a job because they currently have one. They are not the most active and most eager candidate because they still have current jobs to attend to. Headhunters do deliver on these occasions. They will reach out to these quality passive candidates and fish them out of the massive ocean for you.

If your organization’s part time job is in Vancouver but you are willing to accept candidates from farther places, your recruitment agency will patch the geographic constraint for you. Head hunters have good resources that can search for the candidates willing to take on the job offered and an even better skill to choose the best individual who is perfect for your job available. Because of this, you will have diverse candidates who are only the best in their fields.

So if your organization has full time positions available or even part time jobs in Vancouver or anywhere in the world, consider hiring a headhunting agency that is committed in acing the recruitment process for your company. If you would like to know more about iLink Global’s recruitment strategies, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

We are conveniently located in the cities of Vancouver and Surrey, BC.  Visit us online at or give us a call!

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