Recruiting For Startups

Recruiting for Startups

RECRUITING FOR STARTUPSStartups always seem to be in constant competition with the big ones when it comes to recruitment. Budding organizations feel the need to compete in order to hire the top candidates.  This is why recruiting for startups can prove to be a tough challenge.  Applicants tend to lean towards a more well established company.  Aside from this potential problem, startup businesses may also have very limited time and resources in hiring.  They are at all times compelled to make each recruiting dollar count.

The city of Surrey in Metro Vancouver has one of the fastest growing economies in all of Canada.  If yours is one of those new companies looking to expand or are looking at recruiting for a small business in Surrey, please keep reading…

Recruiting for Startups is one of iLink Global Recruiting’s major strengths. We have listed on this article some of the strategies that we use in order to attract talented and qualified applicants.

First, make them see “small in a different light.

Working for a startup company has many benefits. A company that is in its very early stages of growth, promotes an atmosphere of mutual support knowing that everyone somehow needs training, assistance, orientation.  Given such an environment, employees are more inclined to being friendly rather than corporate.

Working for a startup company may give the employee the career boost that they need.

When working for a startup company, an employee is exposed to more job varieties and more roles, giving them the career boost that they can definitely use as a selling point should they decide to move on to another organization later in their career.

There are Big benefits in working for a small company.

Candidates who started out on an entry-level position in a startup usually find themselves having greater responsibilities earlier on in their career.  They are exposed to more tasks and wear more hats.  Employees of startups become well-rounded.  To a certain degree, they mature faster within the organization. This practice normally leads to job satisfaction and better employee retention rates.

Hiring great employees makes starting a small business much less challenging than it really is.  Not everyone is cut out for this task.  If you need a hand with recruiting for startups, give iLink Global Recruiting a call.  We will make sure you hire the right ones for the job!

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