Surrey Employment Agencies


iLink Global Recruiting is one of the top Surrey Employment Agencies based on the reviews and recommendations of the clients that have worked with them.  Their services are geared not only on addressing the human resource needs of companies, but they also have services dedicated to job seekers who are having challenges on their job search.

Not all Surrey Employment Agencies have this type of double-bladed approach to employment such that both the employers and employees can benefit from partnering with them.

Employer or Job Seeker

Whether you are hiring new employees or you are a job seeker, do not hesitate to call us because no task is too big or too small for us.  We understand that every company, every person has their own unique needs, problems and concerns and it is only by sitting down with them and understanding these concerns can we really formulate a customized action plan to help.

We do not claim to have all the solutions for you but we are committed to working with you in finding those answers based on our successful experiences in recruitment as well as resume writing, job search coaching and job interview training.

Simple Goal

iLink Global Recruiting is a boutique recruitment company that started with the simple goal of having a full service recruiting company that’s based in Surrey where it is closer to the growing companies in this area.  As we grew, more and more job seekers sought our help in improving their resumes and their interview skills.  This gave rise to the iLink Global Job Search Coaching program that has already gained the attention of hundreds of job seekers because of the glowing success of many who have signed up for it.

Some of them who have been job hunting for months or even years, landed their position a few weeks after signing up for the iLink Global Job Search Coaching Program.

As a boutique recruitment company, iLink Global Recruiting is also proud to have partnered with small businesses as well as large corporations to fill their personnel and Human Resource requirements.

We will keep doing what we are doing, iLink Global Recruiting Inc. is here to stay!

Contact: | 778.9186573

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