Vancouver Healthcare Recruiter

Vancouver Healthcare Recruiter

iLink Global Recruiting is your Vancouver Healthcare Recruiter that has been in the industry of providing highly-skilled healthcare practitioners to medical institutions for over 10 years.  Ria Inducil-Abesamis, Recruiter and Managing Director has been very successful in the placement of healthcare professionals over the years.  She has helped local and international health institutions achieve their human resource goals by sourcing candidates from all over the world and ensuring that the employers’ HR specifications are met.

iLink Global Recruiting, under Ria’s management, has successfully recruited doctors and allied healthcare practitioners such as Registered Nurses, Registered Massage Therapists (RMT), Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Certified Dental Assistants, Dental Hygienists and more.  This Vancouver Healthcare Recruiter is the trusted advisor of hiring managers in this field.  Healthcare institutions entrust their HR needs to iLink Global Recruiting because of its dedication and commitment to providing candidates who are motivated, specialized and are the best in their field.

Available Positions in Healthcare & Other Sectors

Available jobs in the healthcare sector are updated regularly on our website.  Although we are more well-known as a Vancouver Healthcare recruiter, we also conduct recruitment for other industries.  More hiring managers have heard of our services by word of mouth.  This we believe, is our best form of advertisement.  Although we are also highly present in most social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. We are now also working on positions in manufacturing, academics, foods, etc.  We have been equally successful in these sectors as well.  Visit our Career Wall often for an update on new positions in the healthcare field.

iLink Global Recruiting is conveniently located in the cities of Vancouver and Surrey in BC.  Call us or email us today for all your recruiting needs.  You will be confident to know that Ria has one of the most recommendations on Linkedin from her happy clients!  We are looking forward to hiring your next superstar employee!

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